About the Author
Wol-vriey – Wol-vriey is Nigerian and quite tall. He currently resides in a state of uneasy stalemate with his threatening-to-thin-beyond-redemption hair and believes there actually are things that go bump in the night. Wol-vriey recycles the ridiculous into reasonable reality for the reader.
His WEIRRRD philosophy? WEIRRRD = Warp/Write Everything into Realistic Ridiculous Readable Distorted Dream Dimension Descriptions.
Wol-vriey is the author of the BRAINCHEW series of horror novels: Brainchew and Brainchew 2: Out of Their Heads.
Wol-vriey is the author of the BUD MALONE SERIES of bizarro detective novels: (Boston Posh(#1), Boston Corpse (#2) and Boston Lust (#3)).
Wol-vriey is one of the most prolific authors at Burning Bulb Publishing, penning close to thirty books.
Wol-vriey blogs at http://oddityfarm.wordpress.com/.