Confession. Revelation. Rant.
Minor Confessions of an Angel Falling Upward is all of these… and more. Set in modern times and spiraling back to the swirl of Pre-Creation, this postmodern blend of genre-bending pop-prose and socio-political commentary is a classic tale of the (anti-)hero’s quest for Reason and Redemption in a Universe gone mad.
Who is Planner Forthright?
- A fallen angel made Man.
- A once-winged evil with un-Divine purpose on this Plane.
- A cannibal prince chosen to inherit a castled landscape of destruction and despair.
- An Alchemist of sorts—a mental magician; a mortar-and-pestle wizard converting carbon lies to golden Truth, whose language is his own.
- A Vampire by nature and condition whose been walking the waters and thorny highways of our planet for over 40 years.
- And he’s seeking a way out…
Minor Confessions of an Angel Falling Upward by Planner Forthright (Paperback)
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