The Girls of October tells the story of a young woman who develops a strange fascination with John Carpenter’s Halloween, believing that somewhere within the 1978 horror classic lays the truth behind an arcane force that has terrorized her since her childhood.
As an escape from a world that has not always been kind, film student Beverly Dreger takes comfort in spooky urban legends, horror movies, and monster magazines. But when a string of bizarre murders draws her closer to the folkloric entity known as “the bogeyman,” Beverly must unravel the mystery of her past and confront an ancient evil.
An epistolary novel, The Girls of October collects fictional primary sources—newspaper articles, film criticism, screenplays, short stories, interviews, police reports, and more—to tell a chilling story of psychosis, family secrets, and murder.
The Girls of October by Josh Hancock (paperback)
Trade Paperback